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How to make your dog love you in six steps ?

How to make your dog love you in six steps

If your dog seems to be scared and hesitant when he's near you, maybe you need to improve your relationship with him.

Ask yourself: 

How can you gain love for dogs?

Make sure you provide a safe environment for your dog by providing him with safe and comfortable housing in your home.

Add to his life the system by training him and offering him positive rewards.

Once your dog feels cared for, it will easily relate to you.

Take him to walk with you, play with him, and simply allow him to be your companion.

Over time, your dog will love your interactions with him and will take the initiative on his own to approach you and court you.

                      * The first step:

Provide him with a healthy and comfortable environment

Create a comfortable space for the dog. Most dogs like to sleep in bed with their owners; decide whether you want to let your dog sleep with you in bed or you want it to have its own comfortable space. To make a space your dog loves, furnish a dog bed with blankets and chewing toys in a corner of the living room.

 This area will provide your dog with the opportunity to own his own space, without being isolated from the house but will remain part of it and close to what is happening around him.

                         * Step Two :

Take care of your dog's cleanliness and check its health

Take care of the cleanliness of the dog and feed it. Many dogs naturally love those who feed and care for them. Give your dog nutritious meals every day and use your eating time to interact with him. 

You can feed your dog with your hand occasionally or hide the food in a puzzle way when the dog solves it and finds its food waiting for it as a reward. 

You should also be accustomed to cleaning the dog and checking its fur for any symptoms of health problems to quickly remedy them if any. 

Look for skin irritation if your dog shows any discomfort. 

If you find fleas, for example, talk to your veterinarian about the best quick-acting remedies against itching.

                           * Step Three :

             Motivation Exercises

Practice positive reinforcement training. Your relationship will improve, as if the dog knows how to respond to basic commands (such as: sitting, staying, coming, and walking with you). Consider training your dog to crackle to promote good behaviors through positive attachments (such as the crackling sound). Give your dog food or praise it verbally when it obeys your orders. 

For example, give your dog nutritious dog food that he loves when he obeys you in asking him to stop, or tell him "A sharing dog!" if he comes back to you when you call him by his name in the garden.

                         * Step Four :

Punishing your dog may make him fear you and hate you.

Avoid punishing the dog if it misbehaves. 

If you're implementing a positive training regimen, you don't need to punish your dog when it misbehaves, you'll just need to redirect it and reward it when it behaves correctly. 

Do not correct the dog, beat him or scare him. An angry reaction will make the dog scare you and can damage your relationship with him.

Be patient with the dog. Some dogs take longer to respond to workouts than others.

                         * Step Five :

    Make your dog get used to socializing.

It's easy to overlook your dog's other social relationships, with other dogs or with other people, because you're busy developing the relationship between you and him. 

Keep in mind that your dog will be happier and more fulfilling if he comes into contact with other dogs or people.

 Try to get him to communicate with others in a calm and organized environment instead of chaotic places where dogs feel confused. 

For example, instead of letting the dog run around a park with dogs, you can visit a friend who has a quiet dog. 

Give dogs a chance to interact on their own, but don't force them to.

              *Step Number Six and last:

                  Keep your dog healthy.

It is difficult for a pet to feel loved if its basic health needs are not met. Take the dog for regular check-ups at the veterinarian and give him the required vaccinations first-hand. If the dog itself is injured or becomes ill, you should subject it to proper medical care and treatment.

* Conclusion 

In the end, the more you take care of your dog and care for him, the more he relates to you and loves you because these creatures are pure by nature, and when you feel interest and kindness, you increase in love with their owner.

Take good care of your dog and deal with it gently sure you will exchange love and loyalty.
