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Types of dogs and tips for breeding them at home


Who among us does not want to raise a beautiful and cute dog at home? Studies show that raising a dog at home gives comfort to the human being and reduces his feeling of anxiety and stress, and raising dogs at home helps get rid of loneliness, because there is a living organism with you at home that you raise, take care of and play with, in addition to many benefits that accrue to its owners, and although many dog breeders in homes consider raising dogs easy, there are many people who want to raise dogs face Difficulty in raising them, as they are wondering how to raise Golden dogs, and in this article we will give you tips for raising dogs at home of various kinds, in addition to information about raising dogs that may interest you, as you can see the most important tips for raising pets at home.

The best types of dogs for breeding at home

The dogs that can be raised at home vary and create an atmosphere of fun

Here is a collection of the best types of dogs for breeding at home, as these dogs are characterized by fun, fun and wonderful beauty, in addition to being friendly and calm in many situations and times, and do not enjoy a high degree of violence and ferocity.




Maltese Dog



Siberian Husky


Golden Retriever 

The best types of guard dogs in the house

We put in your hands a list of fierce dogs suitable for guarding in homes, as these dogs provide you with a high degree of safety and protection for your belongings, and they are aggressive with strangers in case they feel any threat from those around them, but they are obedient to orders, loyal and peaceful with their owners.

German Shepherd

Rot Weiler

Paul Mastev


Rhodesia Ridgeback


              Dog breeding tips at home

Dogs should be taken care of continuously when breeding them at home

Take care of the dog and provide the necessary care for him, and this is through playing with him and providing him with appropriate healthy food,

Strolling with the dog daily to maintain his health and so as not to lose his activity, there are many options for hiking with the dog

Dog training; maybe one of the best ways to train dogs is to motivate them with their favourite food, and offer them if they follow orders.

Provide necessary healthcare for dogs and ensure that they are taken for all vaccines, and periodic visits to the vet.

Place a collar on your dog's neck with your name and phone number written on it, to communicate with you in the event of loss.Be sure to clean the dog at all times to protect it from diseases and bacteria, clean its teeth and ears, shave its hair and cut its nails.

Improve and develop the dog's communication skills and relations with the surrounding environment, training it in certain commandments and presenting it to members of the house and others.If your dog is fierce, it is advised not to beat or scold him, as this does not work for him.

It is preferable to put a collar on the mouth of the aggressive dog when walking with him, as well as to be placed in the absence of someone able to control him.

     Dangers of breeding dogs at home 

Some types of dogs are difficult to control and may cause danger to those around them

Most families are used to raising dogs at home because of their many benefits, but despite this, there are many harms and risks around raising dogs at home.

The speed of transmission of infection and diseases from dogs to children at a young age, especially children who put their fingers in their mouths, if your dog has the disease, the likelihood of transmitting bacteria and diseases to the child will be great, and from these diseases we mention pneumonia, convulsions and other diseases that affect the health of your child.

Some dogs are aggressive and difficult to control, so they can be dangerous to the people around them.

When raising pet and playful dogs, they may provoke chaos in the house, because they are inherently energetic and love to have fun and play

Women who raise dogs and always come into contact with them are more likely to develop breast cancer

The dog may suffer from hair loss, which leads to the presence of hair everywhere inside the house

Some dogs may get bored as a result of being inside the house for a long time, and may result in unwanted behaviors 

Finally, we offer you a range of special products to take care of your dogs and give them aesthetics and good health as well as clothes that express your love for them.

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