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French Bulldog informations and ideal wieght

                  French Bulldog

The name of the breed speaks for itself. 

Of course, the birthplace of the breed is France. 

However, there is no clear information about

 its origin. 

It is believed that the breed originated from the

 crossing of Spanish dog breeds with small

 English bulldogs. 

French Bulldog

Height at the withers - 30-40 cm, suah - 30-38 cm. 

It is believed that the ideal weight of a French

 bulldog is 12.7 kg, for a female - 10.9 kg.

 The coat is smooth and close fitting. The color

 is brindle (small stripes on a red, fawn and

 bronze background). 

There is no characteristic alure. 

Movement is free, without clumsiness.  

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