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     chow chow

It is believed that the Chow Chow is the

 most ancient representative of the Spitz -

 the legendary dogs of the Tibetan lamas.

 In the East, the breed was bred for a wide

 variety of purposes, including for the sake

 of meat, which was considered to have

 special medicinal properties.

 A feature of training is that the dog is

 trained without obvious coercion - a calm,

 even attitude is necessary. 

The popularity of this breed is growing

 every year. 

A characteristic feature of the breed is the

 possession of some psychic abilities, the

 ability to capture and fulfill your desires.

 The minimum height at the withers is 46 cm. 

The coat is very plentiful, thick. 

It is characteristic that the dog has

 practically no smell. 

Color solid - black, red-red, brown, cream to

 white. Never spotty.

Chow Chow 

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