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Terriers dogs (SHEEP)

   Bedlington Terrier.

Sheep, you can't say otherwise. A dog with an exceptionally affectionate, obedient character. It owes its name to the city of Bedlington (Northern England), where it was very popular with local miners. The breed was formed in England in the 19th century. The dog is slender and muscular in constitution. Height at the withers 38-41 cm, weight from 8.2 to 10.4 kg. The coat is thick and soft, the color is white, gray -red, blue, red- brown, sandy, fawn. Runs at a frisky gallop, step - springy.

Bedlington Terrier

        Moscow Longhair Toy Terrier.

     The breed appeared by crossing a toy terrier with a chihuahua. You can’t call it otherwise than a dog of a convenient size. By nature, like all dogs - loyal and devoted. According to the constitution, the dog breed is dry with strong bones. The height at the withers is 20-27 cm. The coat is wavy, the length of the hair is about 4 cm. The color is varied, from black to fawn. The tail is docked at 3 vertebrae. Gracefulness and freedom in motion.
MosCow Longhaire toy Terrier

Skye Terrier.

One of the most beautiful dogs. For all its beauty, a very hardy dog. Previously, the dog was used for hunting fox and otter. The loyalty of the Skye Terrier is legendary (described in the "it's interesting" section). Height at the withers about 25 cm, weight - 11.5 kg. The length from the nose to the tip of the tail is about 105 cm. The coat is at least 14 cm, smooth and hard. Color dark, cream, black, fawn. Lover to move and frolic a lot.

Skye Terrier

Toy Terrier
The breed was bred in England. Charming and playful, it has an important feature for keeping at home - it has absolutely no smell. The constitution is dry and thin. The coat is short. Color black, brown with tan, blue in different shades. Profitable fingers are removed.
Toy Terrier
