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Choice OF A Puppy's Nickname

 General recommendations.


 The choice of a puppy's nickname must be taken very seriously. 

You can’t change the dog’s name later, although with rare exceptions, a dog, for example, found, picked up, eventually gets used to a new name. But it's better not to experiment. 

The choice of nickname is largely determined based on the sex of the dog, breed. 

You can not give the dog human names, the name of cities, states, nationalities. The nickname should ideally be sharp, short and, if possible, differ from commonly used, colloquial words. The name of the dog should not defame the animal and not cause the laughter of others.

 Do not get carried away with nicknames using foreign words. 

From practice - in many kennel clubs, dog names are set depending on the year of birth of the dog and the accepted notation for the initial letter of the nickname -according to club rules. 

Very often, when purchasing a dog, we get a puppy with an already assigned nickname and therefore we do not recommend retraining the puppy in the sense of accustoming it to a new nickname. 

This action will only cause unnecessary anxiety in the puppy precisely at that period of his life when he will be weaned from his mother. 

It would be most prudent to decide on the puppy's nickname even before its birth and agree with the owner of the dog on the name of the puppy selected in the future, with the nickname that you like.

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